How Can I Play World of Warcraft For Free?
This is the age of paid online games. You may have heard of them such as Farm Town or Dungeon Fighter Online. But what you probably haven’t heard of is “World of Warcraft”. WoW is an MMORPG or Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. It was started as a game to be played by the “entary” gamers in Asia. It evolved over the years to become one of the most popular online games today.
So, how can you get into this exciting world of MMORPGs? How do you get yourself a “account”? And how do you start playing your favorite game without paying a dime?
World of Warcraft (commonly known as WoW) started life as an internet game. Players log on and use their game accounts to fight other players or take on other challenges. At some point, a game master decided that he would like to create an online game that required no actual hardware. That’s where World of Warcraft was born. The game world was actually simulated on the World Wide Web, using “game software” – that’s software that allows you to interact with other players and play with other people around the world.
Once the game hit the web, it quickly became very popular. So popular in fact, that it spawned a follow-up title: “MMO” itself. Or at least, it got known as such. Back then, the games weren’t very polished. The average gamer was content to see his or her character shoot a few arrows and use a few special attacks.
So, how can I play World of Warcraft for free? Today, you have several different ways. The first is by actually playing the game. You can go to WoW’s official website, create your account, create a character and start playing.
Another option is to get an online gaming account (also known as a World of Warcraft subscriber account). You’ll be able to play for free. However, this type of account comes with a variety of restrictions, including a limit on your character level, game account age, game history and so forth. It’s recommended that you play with a “real” game master who will be able to help you understand and utilize some of the more complex aspects of the game.
If you’d rather skip all of that and just jump straight into the game, the next option is to get a WoW premium membership. This type of membership will set you up with an entirely new login name and a permanent game account. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll have access to all of the premium games available on the World of Warcraft marketplace. There are literally thousands of games available at any given time. You’ll be able to buy and play games that other players have already purchased, and you can also try new games as they’re created. And you’ll never have to worry about being banned from a premium game, which is a worry you never have to worry about when you play online.
If you really want to learn how to play World of Warcraft for free, consider playing the neutral side in races. The Human race is the strongest among the four main races available. Human players make up the largest portion of the World of Warcraft population, so you’ll have the advantage when you choose to play on the neutral side. As a bonus, you’ll also get to see what happens if you side against the Alliance or Horde in a quest. neutrality has a lot to offer in the game, and it’s worth exploring.