Learn A Different Strategy Game With clash of clans
Description About Game: clash of clans is an amazingly addicting, highly competitive strategy game for the iPhone, iPad, and Android which gives mobile gamers lots of exciting mobile play with an addictive gameplay and lots of different chances to continue playing even when you take your fist base. If you think it’s just another addicting flash game, wait until you’ve sunken into the game’s world. If you love good strategy games, then you are going to love this one. It may just change your gaming style.
Story line: The story behind clash of clans is that it starts out when you land in an unexplored island called The Fort. Your tribe has been forced to attack an attacking tribe from another island, which is why you were given this mission. Unfortunately, your main character, a boy namedolas, does not know the enemy’s location and accidentally destroys their camp. Now, you have to find clues to the mastermind behind the crime, fight through the fort and finally conquer the city to gain back your own honor and fame.
Unlike most battle strategy games, you will have an easier time winning if you start with the basics. The basics, of course, are buildings and troops. These two are very important building tools in clash of clans that many beginners go wrong. For example, in the beginning you have no troops to use against the bigger troops of the enemy so you can’t attack them directly. In the beginning you have less buildings and lesser number of troops so you won’t be able to defend yourself well and expect to be able to win a fight against an enemy of equal skill.
In clash of clans you have three basic building options: towers, troops and factories. The towers can be repaired or replaced but the troops are stationed at the closest point to the enemy. The factories produce units automatically but these units are only used for repairing buildings or attacking enemy units. If you are new to this game then it would be wise to start with one of the three building types. If you are an advanced player however, then upgrading your units will be more beneficial. In addition to improving your troops, you can also purchase buildings which will improve the overall effectiveness of your army.
Trophies are the secondary goal in clash of clans. You need to build up your town hall to earn trophies. However, there is a secret in earning trophies and that is by using the free gems that are randomly generated during the game play. You don’t have to worry about earning trophies because they will automatically be given to you once you reach a certain number of town halls. Since there are no objectives when playing this game, therefore there are no objectives for you to strive for.
When playing clash of clans, it is important to know when to attack and when to defend. During the early part of the game, you should use your buildings to build up your town hall and attack enemy units. But as you progress through the game, you should focus on defending your town hall. When attacking, use the cannons and tanks to eliminate any troops you see. When defending, use the archers and ward off any troops you see coming from the front. Remember that the troops that come from the rear can also use the cannons and tanks to attack you.
A good strategy in clash of clans is to build towers which can guard your town hall against any troops you see coming from the rear. When defending, use your towers to defend your town hall. The aim of this mobile game is to eliminate the opposing players. By applying a good strategy in battle, you can easily wipe out your opponents.
Clashes of clans also has a mobile aspect known as the attack defense. It is the same principle of building up your town halls to attack your opponents but this time, your defenses are mobile and stronger than usual. You can use these buildings to block off any troops entering your town or you can even use them to attack your opponents. These mobile defenses can help you in controlling the battle.